

     This chart explains about the interrelation of "STAR WARS". Anakin Skywalker is the hero of this story. At the next generation, Luke Skywalker who is the son of Anakin becomes a new hero. Darth Vader is one of the anti-hero of this story, and he is a enemy of Anakin and Luke. Yoda is a leader of people, and he is 800 years old.



     Today, I went sopping with my younger sister. It was first time for us, so my sister was looking forward to very much.
     We went to Kanazawa by train. We bought a lot of clothes and shoes. We used our "otoshidama". I lost my money, but I did not regret. It was a very good shopping, and I was so fun!!


Happy New Year !

     The day before yesterday I came buck to my home town, Ishikawa. I spend New Year's Eve with my family watching "kouhaku-utagassen". 
     And next day, New Year's Day, we went to three shrines. I draw a fortune. After that, we went buck to the home, we eat "oseshi". That made by my grandmother and mother. They were so delicious. 
     Today, my cousins come to my home, and it was the first time for long time. I was so glad that my cousins were fine. And also, I got "otoshidama". I will save those money.
     I had really good time !!!



     Last Sunday, I went to a spa with the member of E.S.S. We went to HONOYU in Uzina.
     I went to a spa after a long time ago, so it was really fun. And also, it has been very cold recently and it made me tired, so a spa made me relaxed.
     On our way to Uzina, we stop at the center of Hiroshima city, and we saw the Dreamination. That was so beautiful and wonderful!! I thought I wanted to see that again.
     I could have a nice weekend!!!



     Actually, I am a member of ESS. Do you know "ESS"? ESS is the one of club in Hiroshima University, and it is the omission of English Speaking Society. As one of our activities, we interact with students from foreign countries.  It isn't easy to communicate with them, but it's very interesting for me. 
     Last Friday, I played cards with them. To explain the rule in English was so difficult, but I had a good time. I want to talk with them again !!



     Now, I am studying Chinese as a second language. Chinese is very difficult for me because the pronunciation of it is so complex.
     Last Saturday, when I was working as a museum staff, two Chinese students visited the museum. I tried to talk to them, but they seemed that they are no good at English, so I could not communicate well with them. I am also one of the ESS member, so that made me a little sad, and I thought I should study Chinese more.
     That accident gave me a chance to realize that the importance of the second language classes.


one-paragraph opinion essay

     I think that we shouldn't do tests which use animals. Animals also have rights to live same as human beings. So, our human beings should not rob that. That is a selfish theory that it can not be helped to kill animals for the science development of human.